Friday 20 December 2019

This year's Advent Calendars

I have long looked for the "clock" and Church of Seiffen. calendar, first printed in 1966 (in production until 1997). By R Hinderkus-Kutsche (1908-1986) for Korsch Verlag. This is I think, a 1980s reprint that I bought this year with several others - brand new old stock! Beautiful big illustrations
Then a calendar from Sweden illustrated by Aina Stenberg-Masolle ((1885-1975): “Utgiven av Treklövern. Offic. Org. för Sveriges Flickors Scoutförbund. BARNENS ADVENTSKALENDER Copyright” (Published by Treklövern. Sweden's Office. Org. of the Swedish Guide and Scout Girls' Association CHILDREN'S ADVENTSKALENDER Copyright) 1951
And the one at the front I bought for Ma - she says this is her first advent calendar. I suspect a reproduction of an older design. Korsch Verlag. The doors are all logical - doors in the illustration, windows, presents - the ones in trees have fircones, in sky star etc. Bought from an advent calendar seller in Germany

PS formatting all a bit space-y, will have to redo post at some point...